CS 3240: Software Engineering
Course Website: http://f24.cs3240.org - Taught: 2009-2010, 2018-2024
Analyzes modern software engineering practice for multi-person projects; methods for requirements specification, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance of large software systems; advanced software development techniques and large project management approaches; project planning, scheduling, resource management, accounting, configuration control, and documentation. (Former title: Advanced Software Development Techniques)
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course students will:
- Develop an understanding of how to specify, design, and implement a complex software entity that involves many aspects of modern software systems.
- Master a number of modern tools and a number of difficult technical fields.
- Acquire experience of working on a large software system as a member of a team working on system development and as a member of a team that has to interact with other teams and customer representatives.
Course Webpack
An Introduction to Software Engineering by Mark Sherriff and Will McBurney - http://www.cs3240.org